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HomeNEWSNigerian Students Seek Educational Alternatives Amid UK Visa Restrictions and Cost Concerns

Nigerian Students Seek Educational Alternatives Amid UK Visa Restrictions and Cost Concerns

In response to UK visa restrictions and concerns about affordability, Nigerian students are exploring alternative study destinations in Europe and Asia.

Over the past 12 months, data from various platforms indicates a shift in interest toward European countries such as Italy, Finland, and Austria, with a significant number also considering study opportunities in Australia and New Zealand.

Notably, there has been a decline in interest in study programs offered by UK universities and colleges.

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Various search platforms have recorded a reduction of as much as 40% in inquiries, with a notable 40.2% drop in interest from prospective students in Nigeria. Similarly, Norway has experienced a 40.6% decrease, possibly due to limitations on dependent visas in the UK and the introduction of international student fees in Norway.

As an alternative, Nigerian students are increasingly turning to Canada, with a 9.1% increase in interest, and Australia, which has seen a 1.4% surge in the past 12 months. In Europe, Austria, Italy, and Finland are gaining popularity as study destinations.

Masters degree programs are the primary focus for 84% of Nigerian students looking to study abroad, followed by 11.3% pursuing bachelor’s degrees, and 2.9% seeking PhD programs. Approximately 2% express interest in bridging and short courses.

While the UK remains a significant destination, the recent shift in preferences highlights the impact of visa restrictions and affordability concerns. The depreciation of the Naira has prompted students to carefully consider more cost-effective destinations, with some exploring non-traditional options in Africa, such as Mauritius, for specialized internships and training.

Despite challenges, the UK and Canada continue to attract a considerable number of Nigerian students. However, changes in visa policies and economic considerations are reshaping the landscape, with students increasingly exploring emerging destinations for education and career opportunities.

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